A Christmas Gift

I don’t know what possessed me to do it, maybe curiosity, or the challenge, or some kind of twisted dig at my father, or maybe a genuine deep-seeded desire to…

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A Graduation

     “A man of action takes the day,” Miss Sternward declared as she wrapped up a unit on Hamlet, clearly referring to Fortinbras, that feisty anti-Hamlet who seizes control of…

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“Mamaw don’t want to lock you in a cage, but I got no choice,” she apologized to her wailing granddaughter as she extricated herself from the overwrought child, both covered…

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Mr. Namarari Makes a Discovery

     “That’s just our town retard, don’t mind him, he’s harmless,” Sam Cleary commented offhandedly. “Every town’s got one weirdo, right?” he let the steering wheel spin in his fingers.…

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